what I hate about ACNE

I had forgated how it was having Acne!!

For more than 3 years my face was kind of perfect, I mean I still had a little breaks out here and there, and in my mind was the worst thing in the world!!! because I had fogated how it was having really bad Acne.

Right now I don't remember how it was when I had my first big Explotions, I guess I felt bad, embarrased and all that's stuff, but I don't remenber.

But now I hate it!!!! I mean I hate to have my face like this, I know that's it's gonna get better, but I want to get better now, not just for me, also because all the things that people says!

I have to admit it, I kind of didn't wanted to go to Spain for my face, I didn't wanted to my sister see me like this, to hers friends see me like this, and trying to give me advise... so that the first thing that I hate about Acne.

1. People, RANDOM people giving advise as I could fix my face, TRUST ME, I am the most interesting to fix my face and I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, if I don't ask for a advise please don't give it, I always find someone to told me what to do with my face, and in my family the most common comment is " what happened with you?" I mean how I do answer that, In just said " it was for stress"

2 People staring you, but not you, staring your acne for a second and then they look at you, to me it doesn't happen that much but a few time I had notice and is annoying, I know that it's inevitable and people don't do it on purpose, my it's still annoying.

3 thinking all the time is how do you look, every time that I go out of my house my head is in my face, how it's looking, what people are thinking, is my face red?, my acne got worse in this couple hours? it got better?.

4 waking up every day and see me in the mirror, I don't know why, but I think that one night is going to fix my face, of course every morning I'm disappointed.

5 Explaining to everyone who ask, why my face has acne.

6 Don't wanting to take pictures!!! that's why you haven't see me in social events, I meant I went to two parties and I didn't take a picture, Christmas is going to be a challenge!

And that most of the things that I hate about Acne!!


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