A Christmas Carol

Today I went with my Friend Marydalmis Apparently the only one that I had for now to the Play A Christmas Carol.

I had haven't go before and it was a nice surprise to see such a wonderful play in Caracas.

Is the Classic Story of Charles Dickens, and I'm glad that they keep it classic, and didn't added some Venezuelan traditions, just because it's a classic and it has to stay like that.

We went to the play, and then I wanted to buy me MY Christmas Present, I wanted a Purse that I saw in a store a few days ago, but when we got there, they had already sold the purse and didn't had another one, so we went to another mall (thanks God they are close to each other) and went to the same store and they had it, I wanted it in Black but they had it in Brown, either way I bought it, and now is under the tree.

I don't know what happens this year, but I feel the Christmas Spirit like any other year, and I feel guilty because the dead of Mrs Naty, I mean I feel sad about it, but still I want to celebrate Christmas, but life is one, and she is in a Better place.

Well this days are busy, very busy! and I'm fine with that!


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