Chit-Chat & Parenting / "MY TIME"

Hello My Friends! Last week we talk about the importance of spending time with the kiddos, but it is also important spending time with YOURSELF, and it is as or much important than spending time with the kids!
To keep you safe and SANE for the rest of the day IS VERY VERY important that YOU do what YOU REALLY want to do, not cleaning, or errands, just keep a least 30 minutes of the day to do whatever you want to do, for me it was always my phone, a book or tv, even sleep (some days I took a nap at work, NOT SHAME), sometime that YOU NEED, a cup of coffee a tea, something that makes you feel happy, and charge energy for the rest of the day.

When the kids are sleeping, taking naps or in alone time, make that time your time, I remember when I was working with V and R, I couldn't never have a MY TIME during the day, but they always went to bed early, and I was SO happy when 7 pm come, and it was time for bath, and bed!! And That’s was my time, and with my other kids it was different because I was with them full day, and I took "My Time" in the morning when my boy was sleeping, when my Girl come back from school, I didn’t have time for anything but I try to have another "My time"  when my Boy was sleeping and at the same time she had her Alone time, and that time in the afternoon I just organized the play room, or prepare the activity for that day.

The whole thing it is important that you beside a mom are a person, and as a person you need YOUR time too.


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