Chit-Chat and Parenting... Same rules in home and Outside

 Hi Friends, This time in Chit-Chat and Parenting I want to talk about the rules of the home and how sometimes we don’t applied them outside of the house, or in summer time, etc.
First I hope your kids DO have some rules in the house, and also I hope that you explained to them, and also I hope that they know why those rules exist, if you didn’t do this, this is the first thing that you should do.

When the Kids understand WHY those rules exist, is going to be more easy for them to follow, also at the same time you make the rules you have to establish which are the consequences are going to be if they broke any rule, so when they broke one (Because they are going to do it) they already know which consequence is going to be for him/she.

When we are out of the house, like the supermarket, the mall, or Vacations, they have to know that the same rules that are in home, are the same in the place that you are at, (also every place should have another rules beside the homes ones like:” in the supermarket we stay close to mommy/Daddy”) so you have to remind them that Even though that you are outside the house, or in Vacations the rules are the rules, maybe the consequences can’t be the same, but you have to figure it out something that could work as a consequences for your kids.

For Example in the Supermarket.
If you do Time out in home, you could bring a Bracelet to the supermarket, so when they misbehave you should put the bracelet and tell them that he/she is on time out, and it has to stay close to you, not talking and etc, if they disobey, you just tell them when you get home, they are going to be in Time out. Try this starting when the are very little, so they know what the bracelet means, and they are gonna to take it very serious! 

In Vacations.
You can negotiate with them, if they misbehave, not poop for you today, time out, not dessert, it depends what works for your family and kids, every kid is different and sometimes Time out works and another don’t, the secret is be true to your words, if you said something is because is going to happen, and because you can go through with it, doesn't matter who hard it is.
So just don’t throw away the effort that you doing in home discipline your kids in another places, and don’t care about “THOSE LOOKS” that other people can do to you

See you Next week!! 


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