Chit-Chat & Parenting, Summer Activities, From 2 and up

Hello My friends, Second Chit Chat and Parenting, last week I talked about how to enjoy the summer, and now I’m going to try to give you some activities to keep the kids entertained during this time.

For toddlers
I think for me this is the hardest age to make activities with kids, they want to be independent and they don’t let you guide them through activities, so for toddlers I focus in Gross motor control, that’s mean a lot of walk, run and jump.
For them during the summer the best are outdoors activities, circuits, balls, games of running etc.
I used to play “I’m going to catch you, you better run” with my niece and she learned how to run with that song, sometimes we spend a good 20 minutes playing that game
Balls, every little kid loves to run after something, buy a ball, you won't regret it.
Hula Hoop, buy a lot of them, and let them decide what to do with them, also you can build a circuit with them.
Bubbles, bubbles are always a good invest with kids.
If you a have a big backyard, well a kid pool is a good idea, or you can do what I did with my kids in this (Splash day).

Inside activities.
The hardest part is keeping them busy around the house, so, you have to make the common objects of the house in toys.
So, use a ball and a basket of the laundry and play Soccer.
An old Cell phone, they’ll spend hours (15 min top, HA) playing with that.
If you like to take risk well use paint with them, let them explorer the texture of the paint in their hands, you can also add some salt or sugar for more texture.
Play dough.
Singing, I love to sing, and actually keep the kids entertained for an amount of time.
Dance, I love to dance and I notice that Toddler LOVES to dance too, be silly doesn’t matter how you look, they will spend a good time with you. 
Also you can try this activities too motor skills , Paint , Pouring 

For Kids 3 and 5 or more.
Parks near you, they loves going to parks, right?
Race games, or circuit games, they love that.
Playing with water, play with balloons fill of water and do a war with those.
Chalks, they loves to play with those, I use them to count the squares in the ground with the chalks, and they’re having fun and learning.
If you are a little extreme like me you also can do this Body Painting
If you have a backyard of a park near you and also you kid have a toy car, a bike etc, you can play to the police and driver, also with chalks you can draw some line on the ground and tell them that they have to go on the lines.

Inside the house.
Pretending games, this age is perfect for those kind of game, every day you/ they can play a different character, I use to pretend that we were in a party, that involves a lot of stuff, like balloons, snacks, nice clothes, dance, sing etc.
Puppet show, made puppets with a paper bags and them let them set up a puppet show.
Any Craft, They love it (you can search through my blog and find a lot of craft activities)
Story time, read a story and then they have to read a book, also you can print a lot of pictures, tell them to color them and then make up a story about those pictures.
Search for treasures around the house, Draw a map of your house, and draw an X whatever you hide a Treasure and they have to found it, this game keep them busy for a lot of time.

(Paint with bubbles)

To 6 and MORE…
Out doors
Play hide and sick
Camping game, took a big blanked, a lot of cushions, at flashlight, etc, and pretend that you are camping.
Sell lemonade!
Pretend to do a triathlon, running, jumping and bikes? Sounds good right?
And everything with paint and water! Haha
At this age they are big enough to almost do everything.

Cut pictures of common object of a magazine, tell the kids that they have to paste in a paper, then you have to tell them to find this objects around the house in 15 or 10 second, if they do they win a point.
Hat of “ not be boring” One day tell your kids that tell you what activities they want to do inside the house, write down and put them in a hat, when they tell you “I’m boring” grab the hat and pull out an activity.
Play to the Movies, tell your kids to play the movies, make some popcorn, turn of the light, made some tickets, (nothing fancy, put the kids to do themselves the tickets) and pick a movie.
Cook, they loves baking.
And boards games.

Ok there are most of 25 activities to do with your kids, the activities of the ages can change, for 6 and up you can do everything above, for 3 to 5  also you can do everything above, this are some Ideas that I do when summer came… Hope you have a Great summer, also for another tips of summer check my other post Link


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