My skin

I've been suffering of Acne since I was 14, I went to 3 different dermatologist for 10 years.

The first time I went was because my Dad was very worried about it, my face wasn't that bad (That I could remember) but my dad wanted me to see a dermatologist, I remember I was very excited about it, my doctor was a old lady in cheap clinic and her treatment didn't "fix" the problem, also I had to spent the WHOLE day it the clinic so she can see me about 20 minutes, renew my prescriptions and that's all, so about 1.5 years later I told my dad that I wanted to see another doctor.

My second Doctor was a very well known doctor in the dermatology Department, and I was very happy with him, he send me some creams and peelings every time that I went to the appointment, my face was never free of pimples NEVER, and for some time I thought that the treatment wasn't working at all, so I didn't went more. I went with him about 2 years.
For quite some time I didn't went to any dermatologist, I just lived my life with some pimples here and there but it was fine... then when I was about 20 I got so stressed out for college, and my face just exploded very bad!! it was the most awful time of my acne, I felt very embarrassing about it and my error was not going to the doctor immediately, I was busy planning a trip to Spain, and I thought my dad didn't have the money to see the dermatologist, So i live with my face like that about 6 months! (photos below)

After my trip, I told my dad that I NEEDED to see a new dermatologist and I found a Private clinic that helped me a lot, I found my Doctor Honey Bee (Yes, that's her REAL name) and she prescribed me some antibiotics and also new creams, she did me cleansers and peelings as well. and after a year my face was so "perfect" (I still have some scars) but it was clean and for me it was perfect, when my treatment ended I stopped seeing her, because I thought I didn't needed her anymore, and because the second part of the treatment was very expensive and my couldn't afford it, I keep using the creams and here and there some pimple appear, but it wasn't that bad.

The last time that I went to the doctor was 2 years ago, and for the past couples of years I've been using different products, I keep using the ones that my dermatologist sended me, and I found nu skin products, but they didn't seem to work on my skin, and when I ran out of nu skin I tried some different pharmacy brands, I tried Effeclear of La roche posay, and normaden of Vichy. they worked very well on my skin, I love the line of Normaden and for 2 months I had used it, but they didn't worked when my face blow off of pimples, about a month ago my face exploded and it was because my stress levels, they were VERY HIGH, and the story was repeated

But this time I went to the doctor again, I went to the same private clinic but they have another doctor and she seems nice, I think my doctor Honey is better but well I went because the treatments that they have are the best, they are VERY expensive but I'm going to pay them anyways, she told me that my acne is inflammatory and she prescript me antibiotics again this time just for 2 months.

I started the treatment 3 days ago and I can see results now! I want my face back!

Photos Details

This are all the products that I bought to " fix" my face, as you see, there's a lot

and this are the ones that the doctor recommend me

This was my face before my first explotion

and this was after, it was just in the cheeks

In the left was my face 2 months ago, in the right my face this morning

I hope in two months have my pretty face back!!

See ya!!


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