Marian's Birthday Party

I will start to update this blog from August.

My Little sister turn 11 on August 28, and that day is my aunt birthday too, so we went to my Aunt's house to celebrate both birthday.

Then the next Saturday we made a Party... A big party with all my family.

I love spend time with them and  I really love when all my family is together and all of us just celebrated any holidays

I love Marian, Even so, that we don't have a good relationship right now, I try to working on that everyday, but is really hard when she not cooperated, also I have to understand that she is only a kid and that I am the adult here, but is really hard.

On Birthdays we celebrated one year more of life of the person, but I celebrated one year of wonderful experience, of fun, of be together, of have somebody to fight, to laugh, to cry, and just say She is my little sister.

 We had a great party, here is my little sister (on the left), My grandma and my cousin Mariana

Here I'am

 with the birthdays Girls

It's party time

and the Pinata



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