Happy Two months Emma

Emma turned 2 month the past 26 of April...

We were on Sevilla, and I can't do the post... So here I come.

Emma you get your first shot, and you cried a lot, but mom and dad did it more than you...

Your weights is 5,700kg and you heights is 57 cm... You are a big girl, the doctor said that you are healthy baby girl.

This month you are more active, you talk and your favorite word is AGUM..

Your bestfriend is a frog that is in your crib... You love it, and when you see it you laugh.

 Your favorite song is Somebody that I used to know... When you cry, we put it for you and then you stop , very funny

You are smiling more, in the mornings you talk with your mom and dad... so far you are a morning person.

You don't cry... you do a little screams when you are very upset, but you don't cry... and you always scream when you are hungry or wet, the rest of the day you are such a happy girl.

You are wearing 3 month size on clothes, some of them fit you well and others are a little big.

You eat a lot, every 3 hours, and you take 5 oz.

You sleep almost all night, some nights you wake up 1 or 2 time at night, but just for eat, when you finish your bottle you go right to sleep

You turned in the bed, from the tummy to the back... we didn't see it but your nonna told us...

So far you are happy and easy baby!! Your mommy and Daddy loves you so much, I so do I!!!

Love You Baby girl 


Kimie said…
She is SO cute!!!
Maydelin said…
Thanks Kimie!!! She is a doll

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