I'm fine, Emma is perfect, Mayu is fine

I don't know if I mention before that my sister's name is Maryori...

Well I'm fine,

I presented My last work three times and it was just fine, Today was my last counseling with my teacher and on monday I have to deliver all the work finished.

In other hand, the bank approved the 400€, so I'm happy but not too much happy because I still have to get the money in my hand, I will do that on thuesday!!

the last thing is the remittances, I hope finish that on Monday!!! 


Emma is the most beautiful thing in the world!!! I will spoiling her A LOT, (sorry mayu).

They will be in home tomorrow!! and I will be with her in 9 days.


My sister in doing just fine.

She is recovery of c-section, and doing well!!


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