One of those Mornings

Hi guys, my morning hasn't finish, it's still 10:23 am and I already can say that it is a one of those mornings!! First my dog was crying this very early and I didn't know why, then when I woke up I discover poop and pee on my floor, I don't blame her because last night was raining and when it rains she usually don't poop, so well she did what she did because of that.

Then at 8 am my cousin calls me to pick up Ana, and everything was fine till I couldn't find her Paci, then my morning went to crazy mode, she can't sleep without her Paci, she just wanted to be held otherwise she would cry, by this time I was doing my breakfast, I was very hungry, but I couldn't do a thing because she wouldn't let me, so I held her about an hour, eat with her on my lap, and because she was very tired she felt sleep on my arms about 9 am, she's still sleeping!

In the middle of all that my Uncle came to my house because he wasn't feeling well, So I had to make him a green tea, and put him to bed, now he's sleeping too, hahaha!!
In 30 minutes I have to get ready to go to work, and then the other part of my day will continue


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