Two Years and One Pandemic Later

Only took me two years and one pandemic to get me back here, I'm not gonna make any promises of coming back, because who knows what's going to happen right? but today I remembered my dear blog and I read my old post and the feeling were back, my blog has always been for me, for the sake keeping of my memories and moments that otherwise I wouldn't have, It's about the little stuff, the day to day, things that I don't usually keep in my journal, so because I remembered, I feel sentimental and because I want to, I'm gonna make a post about what's life for me right now.

This Pandemic grow beyond my expectations, It affected me more than I thought and I don't see when life If gonna be normal again, this Pandemic has change the way we interact with people, I haven't seen my sister, Niece and my adorable new nephew in a month, and it's hard because they're just a 10 min from my house, but we can't see each other, at least we have videos and facetime, but isn't the same at all, also people are wearing mask and gloves everywhere, people are scare to be close to you, you aren't allow to go outside but for groceries, esencial work, and farmacy, so we're a pretty much stuck inside, that until last friday hadn't affect me, now I miss getting ready and go outside, I miss be able to take the bus, I miss going to groceries, because I haven't left my house in 22 days, now is getting hard, now I'm worry about my job, I'm worry about my future and what's gonna come in the next months, at the same time I'm  trying to stay optimistic and be happy.

This 22 days I hadn't done ANYTHING, just watch Tv, and now I kind of feel guilty, I feel guilty of staying home when are people who need to go to work and just for that reason I want to start working, but I don't know when.


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