Como to Meet Ana

 First She isn't the cutie thing ever?

Well Her Name is Ana, My cousin's daughter and my mom and I take care of her in the mornings

She's a sweet Pie, and is always smiling and happy baby girl, she's 6 months old 

Her teeth are coming out, so these days she has been a little fuzzy, but most of the time is a easy going baby, She sleep From 8 am, to 10 am, sometimes she even can sleep through the whole morning after her nap we play and sing songs, and at 11 she take a bath, eats, and most of the time sleep  her mom pick her up at 1 pm

My mom and Crazy in love with her, she fill an empty spot on my mother's heart, because my niece is so far away

In other hand Shes Prefers me haha, She can't see me because she wants for me to hold her, and I gladly do it, I might spoil her a little bit, (as I always do, haha)

 She LOVES to play with a little Maraca that I did for her, and also she loves a Princess Book, and the Five little monkeys song it's her favorite

You look those little cheek dimples?? aren't adorable?? 
 So that's a Ana, my Second Cousin, and I love her so much!!

I hope that you have enjoyed the precious photos


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