Crying over...

hi guys!!! this month was awful for me in the sense of TV shows!!! one got cancelled, and other two the main character was killed!! I mean spent this month crying over TV shows hahaha

First, Eye Candy, a New Tv show of MTV, it was the "realistic and adult" version of Pretty Little Liars, so I started to watch it and I really liked, it was just 10 episodes and we were waiting for the confirmation of season two, most people were confident that the show was going to get that second season, but NOT!! MTV canceled, and I was sad and Angry, but not, I didn't cry.

Then Nina Dobrev posted on Instagram that she was leaving The Vampire Diaries this season, I couldn't believe it, I still can't, I'm still waiting to the next week (season finale) and she say that it was a joke, that she's coming back and everything is going to be just fine (I know that's not going to happen)... so for that I'm SAD, ANGRY, DISAPPOINTED, frustrated, and mad, VERY VERY MAD , with Nina for not staying one more year for another season, with Julia Plec, with the cast and crew, with the network, I mean a lot of emotions, next week is her final episode, and I know I'm going to cry and cry and cry, and I don't know if I'm going to watch next season.

and the other one it was Derek Shepherd's Dead on Grey's, I Mean how could you??? and WHY??, I waited about one week to watch that episode, because I knew I was going to cry so hard, and of course I did, my eyes were puffy because all the crying, I literally cried about 40 minutes, it was an awful episode, but well I got over it ( I think) I know I'm still going watching Grey's Anatomy just because I love it so much, and because I use to the deaths over there...

So the good thing is, that my cry is because something INSIGNIFICANT and I'm happy in my real world!!

See you later alligator


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