Babies, Babies and more Babies
So Sorry for the Bad quality
I just wanted to share this photos!! The first baby is Baby Isa!! she is my cousin's baby girl and I take care of her on the Mornings!! She's 6 months old and is the most easy going baby ever
and Today I visited my other cousin and her baby!! Baby Bri is so cute!!! I Adore her
I want my own!!! #babyfever Happy night!!
I just wanted to share this photos!! The first baby is Baby Isa!! she is my cousin's baby girl and I take care of her on the Mornings!! She's 6 months old and is the most easy going baby ever
Look at that sweet face
She LOVES that book
A little walk in the morning
She's only one months old!! she's so tiny
I want my own!!! #babyfever Happy night!!