School off, now what? (How to make the most of the summer)

Hello My friend this is my first time doing Chi- Chat Parenting, and I feel very excited about it, I’m want to share with you all of my knowledge about kids, I’m a teacher and for 6 years I was a nanny/ Babysitter with kids of all ages, so I might know 1 or 2 things about kids right?

Ok first topic, school is off, for most of the parents is a good things that their kids are off of school, not schedules, not alarms, just time to play and enjoy, but also IT’S A LOT OF FREE TIME and you might ask, NOW WHAT?

First Keep Clam, Everything is okay, BREATHE, is the time to be a fun mom/dad.

Rule Number One, HAVE FUN, doesn't matter what are you doing with them just have fun.

Forget Schedule and just be spontaneous.

Take this time to enjoy your kids, forget about the messiness of your house, your kids won’t remember how clean the house was, they remember the time you spent with them, I always say, a messy house = Happy kids (Most of the time, HA!)

Take this time to know them better, talk to them, as a Teacher, my Kids used to say me everything, and they have so much fun stories, I always was looking forward hearing them!!
Play dates, My lifesaver, more children, more happy I am, because they play with each other and you just have to watch them play, you even could read a book in that time!!!

Go to Every fun activities that your city, town or neighbor is hosting! most of them are Free

But most important of all, MAKE EVERYTHING you need to be a happy mom/dad during the summer, if you’re happy your kids are happy!! So It’s okay to send them with the grandparents for a weekend, (or week? haha) if you are so tired or overwhelmed for the kids!!
And that’s all!! See you Next week!!


Kimie said…
Great post!!! Thanks so much for writing :)

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