30+1 before 30

Hello My friends.

I come up with this Idea a few weeks ago, I wanted to do a General List of 30 things to do before 30, and all this Ideas are mine, I wanted to do all those stuff, but I also wanted the other people could pick some Ideas from this list! 

1 Take an adventure trip.
2 Go with friends to Disney world.
3 Spend one weekend on the beach with friends.
4 Go to a place that you never have been in your city.
5 Spent 24 hour awake, doing whatever you want.  I’ve done several times
6 Takes risk.
7 Watch Pretty little liars. You have to!!
8 Offer you to a couple to babysit their kids for a weekend.
9 Plan a trip with your family to another country
10 Take classes of cooking.
11 Join to a gym near by you.
13 Take a day off from your routine.
14 GO OUT.
15 Read a LOT of books.
16 Start to write, your memories, a fiction book, a novel, JUST WRITE.
17 Do a kind day.
18 Redecorate your whole bedroom.
19 Rent a camping car.
20 Work one day in Volunteer place.
21 Learn a foreign language.
22 Get wet on the rain.
23 Spoil your mother and father, took them to a spa or a baseball game.
24 Adopt a pet Or a least buy a fish.
25 Dance, Dance and Dance.
26 Host a Real Grown up Party.
27 Spend a whole day without cell phone, computer, IPad, Internet etc.
28 Eat something very Crazy, At least try.
29 Start to run, or at least walk.
31…. You decide!


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