How I feel Being in Venezuela
Hello my Friends.
I already have 2 weeks here, and I already made 2 big errands here, my papers are ready to send off and to sign up in the University in Tenerife, I just need one more to go ahead, I’m guessing next week I will be signed on there, Wish me luck, after that I have to make a lot of more errands but I’m living one week at the time.
How I feel? I’m really good, now that my niece is here I have to slow down a little more the rhythm of my errands, but if it was for me I think that this week I’ll be doing everything, that been said, I’m really excited and confident about all this, I know I’m coming back to Spain, I’m not sure of what conditions but lest hope in the best ones.
My dad is REALLY happy that I’m back, I think he think that I’m not going back for a while put I already told him that No matter what happen here, I’m going back, My mom is just living the moment, she just ask me what I’m doing? Why I’m going to do next day? and some other stuffs, but she really don’t talk about it much.
I just excited about to do all this stuff, and going through with the plan, my sister is excited as well, so we’ll see, also I thought I was going to be sad and angry, but I’m not, I’m happy to be here for just this months, and excited about what is going to come