Chit-Chat and Parenting, Traveling with kids!

How to travel with… babies, and kids
Hello My friends welcome to another post of Chit-Chat and Parenting, this time we are going to talk about traveling  by plane.

Traveling with babies and toddlers could be very a very stressing situation, I know, I've
been there a few time, the airport it’s so stressful, the controls, take off the shoes, put them back, the stroller, that baby bag, the kids, I mean could be more stressful?

My recommendations for babies.
First YOU mom/dad wear very comfortable clothes, nothing with belts, nothing with metal that could set on the alarm in the police controls, mommies use plastic earring, necklaces and bracelets, daddies if you are carrying the babies, don’t use belts or watch, you can put it on after you pass the controls, also use shoes that can be easy to take it off and put It on, like ballerinas shoes, sandals etc.

Try to use only a baby bag and nothing else, something very comfortable that you can just trough in the X-ray machine and just pick it up, I also find more comfortable a carry-on luggage but it’s you choice.

Now when you are on the plane with the babies, just pick some toys that might be helpful to you, don’t carry too much just a few that can help you and that you know that your baby likes .

Snack, I really recommend the Gerber puff, the yogurt bites, some crackers, they keep them busy for a while, something that you can clean up very easy

On your IPad, download some music for them, and if they watch any show, just download, it’s no time for control how many of hours are they watching tv

For long flights, let them explorer, don’t be worry about germs, let them crawl, run, walk through the whole plane.

For toddlers and Preschoolers

Before your leave to the trip, explain to them what is going to happen, what do you expect of them, and tell them to help you to make their back packs for the plane, in the back pack you will need snacks, their FAVORITES, coloring books, crayons, stickers, books and one craft activities, go to the 1 dollar section and buy something easy and clean to make with them on the plane.

On the plane first, don’t do nothing, wait for them to be fuzzy enough to try the first activity, you can play “I see, I see, do you see it?”

The Ipad great helper, before the trip download some new apps for the kid, so it could be a surprise for them

Make them to wear comfortable clothes, if you’re going in a long fly you must to do it, if you`re doing a oversea flight, put in their backpack some pajamas, so when the time come, they can change and it’s going to be easy for them to go to sleep.

And I think that’s it!! Travel safe


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