Guess who’s here?

Guess who’s here?
Hello my friends.
Guess who is here? I'll give you some hints.
I'm Tire
My arms hurts
I haven't sleep well in two days.
I'm so happy
You guess?? um um

Yes, my little Niece is Here, I’m beyond happy.
I knew before I came to Venezuela that she was coming, I wasn't quite sure when, but I  knew. She came here because my Brother In-law is doing some papers here in Venezuela, and my sister thought that it was a great opportunity to my niece to come here, and visit the family, my sister had to stay in Tenerife because of work, and she was so sad the day that they left, she cried and cried, it’s hard for her to let her go, but it was a good solution for the occasion.
Nobody in my family knew that she was coming, we keep it as a secret.
The first 2 night she stayed with her paternal grandparents, and then on Monday I went to pick her up, and no one in my family had a clue of it, then I arrived home with her, I recorded the whole thing, when my mom saw her for first time, and when my dad saw her too. We had to tell to my dad because we were afraid of the impression that might cause a surprise like that, so he knew that she was here, but it was beautiful to see them.
Also we went to My Abuela’s house and she was so shy at first, but after 15 minutes she was running around in the house, but still she needed to see me around to be comfortable with everyone.

d saw her too. We had to tell to my dad because we were afraid of the impression that might cause a surprise like that, so he knew that she was here, but it was beautiful to see them.
Also we went to My Abuela’s house and she was so shy at first, but after 15 minutes she was running around in the house, but still she needed to see me around to be comfortable with everyone.

She stayed 2 nights here and then came back to her dad's house for 2 nights, that's the arrange, I DON'T LIKE, just because she is in another country and she needs some stability, so I don't think that is a good idea take her going back and forth for 2 weeks, but we'll see how she is going to adapt to all this, and I hope that we are doing the best for her.

Sorry for tire face, that day was a LONG day and hot!!


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