Venezuela REAL LIFE part I

Ok, I'm going to do a series of post of the real life in Venezuela, might not be happy post or cute post, but I think that the people deserve to know how is the real life down here... First to know the locations and the beautiful part you have to read this post first.

I do not really know how to start but I think you want to know better Caracas  
This is how the 80% of the country actually live 

They don't have water every day, they have to go up the stairs every day, even the old people, the Young people the sick ones, and healthy ones everybody, there's no others way to go up than stairs.

I grow up in one of this hill, as a child i really don't cared where I lived, I remember play with the neighbors, with my cousins and go up and down all the time, remember had to shower with all my cousins at the same time to save water for the other days , But after all, I had a great childhood there.

Also there is where the criminals live, it's really sad that kids of 14 years old are out there killing people, because the just don't steal the people, they kill them, for a phone, for a shoes,  for no reason, and we have to deal with that every day, only here in Caracas is a weekend  60 people die for violence, just in a weekend, that scares but after all, we have to go out and work and studied. 

But no everything is bad, Caracas also have some good place to go.

Like Sabana Grande 

well this is after the remodelation 

and this is before.

this is ones of the few things that the goverment has done well, we came here for eat, to walk, to shopping you can see more of this here and here 

We have the Avila, the Parque del este (East Park), and other stuff.

We have the rich part of the country 

Country Club

they have a golf club 

and beautiful houses.

Also Very Expensive

It's unreal that in the same city we have two different scenarios, one were the people fight to be able to eat, to survive, to take showers, and other were the people live with all the services, and a little more safe.

Here the people who is with the government hate the rich people, because they don't have much and the others  do, and I understand  that, but that people who have all this things studied, fought, and work to have what they have, and the other people maybe not, also this hate is provoked by the president, he made a line of hate between the country.

I think that's all that I want to say about Caracas part I


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