This are a few of my favorite things!!

 I thought because my lasted post were to heavy or sad, and I wanted to make a post of what makes me happy.

My Family: When I think about my family I feel happy, I remember all of us celebrations, holidays, and reunions and I laugh, always is a new story to tell, always a new a joke, but the old ones are better, I feel blessed to have the family that I have.

My job as a Nanny, every day I remember sometime about my kids, my boss, my experience as a Nanny, I don't know if I'm gonna be a nanny for the rest of my life but I don't mine, I will always gonna love my four Kids!!

My Friends,  I miss my friends so much, I like to hang out, to make plans, and be able to talk with them, they  are the light of my life.

My Niece, Emma is my life right now, I love her to the moon and back.

My sister, I love my sister more than I'm able to explain, I'm glad that she is my sister, and I'm THANKFUL for everything that she is trying to do for me.

Arepas, Oh my, if you somehow or somewhere see that there selling arepas, you have to buy one, they are the best meal of the world, you can fill it with most anything, and they taste so good.

Tv shows, I love tv shows, I actually don't watch Tv, I just watch it in my Laptop, they distract me for a a while, and makes me happy, don't make me happy to wait a week or more for another episode but I deal with it.

Pretty Little Liars, I know is a show, but this show is special for me, nor for particular reason, it just favorite show, and I love it, every Tuesday I get ready in my computer and for one hour, I get into Rosewood and forget about problems. life, everything,  and for what that's I love it.

My Dog, I miss Benlly so much!!! I wish I could have it here with me, she was always with me, and she knows when I'm happy, sad, or just wanted to play.

 Chocolate, I can't live but LITERALLY without chocolate, I eat chocolate EVERY SINGLE DAY.

and This are a few of my favorite things!!!


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