D' Stefano

Hello My friends, last day of March, and also almost one month since I get here, WOW...

Right now as Usual I'm babysitting Emma, today I have cramps, I don't want to babysit, but what I can do?' Did I mention that Emma's dad is here... well...

But today I don't want to talk about my situation here, I want to talk about D'Stefano, my favorite Italian Restaurant... When I come here, we always go there and I love it, In Caracas I don't know any restaurant like this one, there are a few Italian restaurant, but as good as D' Stefano.

I always ask the same, Gnocchi with any kind of sauce, my favorite are the white ones, and also the lasagna so good... and the salads are good also, Everything is so good at that restaurant.

We went this weekend, and it was crowd, but we stayed and had a good time there!!


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