my first Ups and Downs
Hello My friends!! Right now I have a little of time OFF, I'm not working or studying anything, Is just that I have babysit a little, and also I Still do not have internet on my room, so I difficult to blog, but right now my sister and niece are in swimming class and I have a little of ME time.
I'm not complaining at all, I came here with my mind around to babysit and help my sister, it's not like the last time that I came tired, stressed, and waiting to rest, this time I'm having a good time babysitting, helping my sister, and all that stuff, I LOVE my Niece.
But well I have my first downs and ups, all in two days!!
My first down was one day I was talking with a Friend of My sister, and he asked me what I'm going to do here, and Why I decide to come, and I told him That I was debating to come here or going to the USA with my bosses, and I decided to come here because my niece and my sister and family, and well he told me in a few words that I was crazy, how I can reject that offer to the USA, just to come here with a uncertain future, and then my head started to spin, if I did the right thing coming here?, if was better going to the USA?, what if, what if and what if, That was all on my mind, I get scare again, I started to think that I made the wrong desition?, and well you know all that kind of stuff, but I do not stresed out so much, I started to thinking that If I'm here is for something, I'm only had one week here, and relaxed a little.
Then the next day I had my up, is nothing sure, and I don't know if is gonna work or not, but something could happen and I my situations can change for good!! Is a light in this journey, and will see.
Just keep praying for me, for Venezuela, and as I always said, I'm in god hands!!
I'm not complaining at all, I came here with my mind around to babysit and help my sister, it's not like the last time that I came tired, stressed, and waiting to rest, this time I'm having a good time babysitting, helping my sister, and all that stuff, I LOVE my Niece.
But well I have my first downs and ups, all in two days!!
My first down was one day I was talking with a Friend of My sister, and he asked me what I'm going to do here, and Why I decide to come, and I told him That I was debating to come here or going to the USA with my bosses, and I decided to come here because my niece and my sister and family, and well he told me in a few words that I was crazy, how I can reject that offer to the USA, just to come here with a uncertain future, and then my head started to spin, if I did the right thing coming here?, if was better going to the USA?, what if, what if and what if, That was all on my mind, I get scare again, I started to think that I made the wrong desition?, and well you know all that kind of stuff, but I do not stresed out so much, I started to thinking that If I'm here is for something, I'm only had one week here, and relaxed a little.
Then the next day I had my up, is nothing sure, and I don't know if is gonna work or not, but something could happen and I my situations can change for good!! Is a light in this journey, and will see.
Just keep praying for me, for Venezuela, and as I always said, I'm in god hands!!