The Day is Here

Today I will traveling to Spain!!!! I have to go to the airport sooo early, my fly is at 10 pm and I will leaving my house at 10am... that is because today is chavez funeral and because where he is, he is right next to my house, and so today is going to be a lot more difficult to get in to the area were I live...  also WE CAN'T SLEEP, because the noise, all night are people talking on speakers about chavez and to the people on the lines, and that's not end at all!!

if you have not heard, the most ridiculous thing happen yesterday, Chavez will now make embalmed and placed in a museum in a glass coffin, I could not believe when I heard !! but is going to happen!!! that is so CRAZY!!!

Thank good I will be far of this mess for three month, the bad thing is that maybe I will not be able to vote in presidential Elections!!! well see!!


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