One Month

this post is almost exclusively for me and my sister!!!

Emma's one month

Dear Emma this month has been Amazing
Today you had your first month check out in the doctor and he said that you are perfect

You weight 4.500 kg and your height is 53cm.
 You LOVEE your paci, you can't go sleep with out him

You take 7 bottles of 120ml at day, and take 4 naps at day, and you go to sleep at 7 or 8 pm every night, and you wake up 2 time during the night! (not bad at all)
You are starting to smile a week ago, and that is so sweet!!

Today was a big day for you, your not are only turning 1 month old, also you get your ears pierce!!! you didn't cry a lot, but your mommy did!!

You are sleeping in at carrycot, but soon you won`t be able to sleep in there anymore!! you are getting so big!!

We have taking you out several times, and you always sleep!!
the most important is that everybody loves you!!!!

Happy first month Emma Valentina


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