
Showing posts from March, 2013

Hello there

Hi I am using my new cel phone... i think that if this work I will be posting more often Yestarday was the first big out of my niece... we spend all day in the souht of the island That is the turistic part and it is so beautiful

One Month

this post is almost exclusively for me and my sister!!! Emma's one month Dear Emma this month has been Amazing Today you had your first month check out in the doctor and he said that you are perfect You weight 4.500 kg and your height is 53cm.   You LOVEE your paci, you can't go sleep with out him You take 7 bottles of 120ml at day, and take 4 naps at day, and you go to sleep at 7 or 8 pm every night, and you wake up 2 time during the night! (not bad at all) You are starting to smile a week ago, and that is so sweet!!   Today was a big day for you, your not are only turning 1 month old, also you get your ears pierce!!! you didn't cry a lot, but your mommy did!!   You are sleeping in at carrycot, but soon you won`t be able to sleep in there anymore!! you are getting so big!! We have taking you out several times, and you always sleep!!   the most important is that everybody loves you!!!! Happy first month Emma Valentina  

Tenerife with Emma

Hello there, right now I'm sitting in my bed watching my niece while my sister do her hair!, is chilly but no cold, and is almost 7 pm! I just have here 6 days, and not much is happening, we went to a nice restaurant the next day that I get here, and after that day we went to a walk in the downtown!! that's pretty much what is going on!! I really like here, I do not love it, but is better than Venezuela and the crazyness in there, I'm in peace and just disconnected of the wordl!!     I promised pictures and here they come!! My sister and I improvise this little photo session!! what  do you think?

Hola EspaƱa// They need your help

Hi, I'm in Tenerife, I get here Yesterday, the flight was so long, but it worth it!! I have a little of jet lag but is ok!!! and my niece is sooo gorgeous, (I will post photos soon) Another thing that I want to tell you!!, I've read a blog for long time and they need your help. Short story, they have tow beautifull twins girls and now they want to adopt a little boy!! they were in the half of the way in the process of adoption and then the agency who were doing went to bankrupt, they lost the half of their money!!! so sad... but now they have a fundraising and if is possible for you please help!! you can read more in their blog!!

The Day is Here

Today I will traveling to Spain!!!! I have to go to the airport sooo early, my fly is at 10 pm and I will leaving my house at 10am... that is because today is chavez funeral and because where he is, he is right next to my house, and so today is going to be a lot more difficult to get in to the area were I live...  also WE CAN'T SLEEP, because the noise, all night are people talking on speakers about chavez and to the people on the lines, and that's not end at all!! if you have not heard, the most ridiculous thing happen yesterday, Chavez will now make embalmed and placed in a museum in a glass coffin, I could not believe when I heard !! but is going to happen!!! that is so CRAZY!!! Thank good I will be far of this mess for three month, the bad thing is that maybe I will not be able to vote in presidential Elections!!! well see!!

Everything is "normal"

well, it past less than 24 hour since the announced of the dead! thanks good everything is kind of normal... They suspended school for threes days, and the country is in duel for 7 days, but everybody has to work those days. It is not clear who is going to be the president now... or our temporal president, we don't know what is going to happen. right now the coffin of chavez is crossing all caracas, and the final destination is next to my home, really, I just can see through my window and see all the preparations for the coffin, all the peopel can go there and say good bye to Chavez, I think he is going to be there for 2 days, then on Friday morning he is going to be buried... and that's all that we know for now. I'm leaving on Friday, and my fly go at 10 pm, but I leaving my home at 5 pm because anything can happen!! Keep praying!


I was going to do a whole different post, but the goverment just Announced that Chavez  died today!!   I' do not have emotions about that, I don't feel sad or happy I just worry about what is going to happen now in this country.... PLEASE PRAY FOR VENEZUELA... PRAY FOR ALL THE PEOPLE...   I'm scared

A normal Day of my Life

Im Linking up with Kelly's blog SYL mm in those days I don't know what that means haha, but normally looks like this.. Thursday. a work day I woke up at 6 am, get ready for college, and At 6:30 or 7 I go to college. Then I arrive to college at 8 am or 8:30 am I have class till 12 or so... I go to my home at 1, ate luch and get my bag for go to work. I Get to work at 2 or 2:30, and we go to pick up the kids at school 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm we arrive home. 4:00 - 6:00pm I play with the kids!  6:00- 7:00 pm I made dinner, the kids eat. 7:00 - 7:30 pm we play a table game. 7:30 - 8:00 pm baths. 8:00 - 9:00 pm finally they get sleep. 9:00 - 11 pm... I wacht tv, rest, or I am on my computer and finally sleep Monday... Not working... Everything is the same till noon. 1pm - 3:00 pm  I wacht tv or nap (Yes I nap) 3- 5:00 pm homework 5 - 7:00 pm just on my computer (social media) 7- 8...