Benlly and Isa

This two has a very estrange relationship!!

Isa is always looking for Benlly, and Benlly is always looking for me, and when I'm home most of the time I'm with Isa,. so my poor Benlly feels jealousy of her, because she wants her mommy, and now her mommy is with a baby!

Benlly is a easy dog, she's peaceful dog, she only sleep and eats, but she's not very good with kids, most of the time she's okay, she ignores them, but how Isa is here in the house sometimes is very tricky, only 2 time Benlly had snarl her, and it was Because Isa was stepping on her, but she never has bitten her, so I know she's very secure with Benlly around.


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