My Skin, Week 5

hi guys!!

Well this week my face went to worse!!! and then it calm down and is getting better!!

I'm taking one day at the time with this, is kind of affecting me right now because I don't want to go out side if it's not necessary, mostly because strange people want to "help me" and giving me advice about what to do, every single day somebody tells me something different to try, and that's bothers me... but well!!

My skin went to worse because my hormones went crazy because of my period! I knew that! I thought that because I am in antibiotics this wasn't going to happen, but it did!

I keep my treatment! My pills once a day, my sun cream  everyday and my night cream! that's all!

My skin is very sensitive right now, I don't like to touch it or do anything beside the treatment!! in January I have to do my second Laser!

Last Week                                                                                             This Week

In the Front looks the same, but in this week my front head was horrible, now is much better

 My Right Chick got worse!!! as you can notice, the pimple don't hurt anymore, just itch!

and my left Chick got better!!!


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