Isn't about the presents!

Hi guys!!

Today was a lay back day, considering that Christmas is so close, I just finished my Christmas Shopping, well no quite true, but at least the most important are done!!

For the first time I'm going to fill my Christmas Stocking!! I made a deal with Elizabeth of filling each other Stockings, so today I finished with her stuff, there's nothing big or special in her stoking but I did it with my best intentions and I hope she likes it!

I got her some Chocolates, and candies, a frame, sucks, a mug, a hand sanitazer, nail polish and a hand cream!

This is me raping her presents 

and now they're done

I know that Christmas isn't about the presents, but I think that you make someone happy when you give one, and I want to make my family happy, every year I bought a little present for everyone, just to say "Merry Christmas" but this year I'm not working and it is hard to find something pretty and inexpensive to give, so I thought that this year all the presents were going to be for the little kids, but I my head was going crazy about the fact that this year I wasn't give any presents for the rest of my family, and today I decided to do an effort and buy something, even something cheap, and I did, I bought them some hand sanitizer, yes, I did, the bottle is cute and they're famous down here, are drug store brand, but that's okay!! I bought 12, and I'm still missing the boys of the family, they're 9!

and I know that the present are not important! but I like to receive them, and I LOVE TO GIVE THEM, I'm looking for to Christmas this year!!


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