mid twenties crisis??

In a couple of weeks I'll be turning 24 and I think that I'm in a crisis.
When I had 15 I had in my head my perfect life planned (I think that almost all women in the world), at this Age (23) I had to have known the men who I will be marry,  live in the most beautiful aparment in Caracas, and work as a teacher, at 25 get marry, and at 28 have my first children... all in Venezuela.
at 18 my perfect life change a little bit,  was supposed that when I had 23 I was going to be living in Spain all by myself , working as a teacher, and meet the perfect spanish guy, get marry at 24 and have childrens at 25 (why waiting?), and travel for all europe!!
at 21 my perfect little life has the first crash,  my sister told me that It will more hard to me moving out to Spain because the laws changed and my sister can't help me the way that she could before, so the plans changed, I will be moving to Spain but just for a year to study, that implied more money and more time for me, so I have to wait and start my perfect life, in my mind my plans do not changed, I will be living here for that year, I get marry and stay here. (Right now I'm in spain)
at 23 (present) all my plans has change... all of them, I think I would not get married for love, I Just would do it for the papers, sad but true, I don't know were I'm gonna live, Venezuela? NOOO, Spain? maybe, another country? Maybe... I can't say alot, but I put my life in hands of others and YOU CAN'T DO THAT, is not her/his fault, It's mine, and is up to me take the reins of my life, and make my own life, it is hard but maybe I just have to do it, maybe all will be fine and my plans will be go on, or maybe not..
for now I'm trying to move forward and see what can I do to keep my goals, My first goal is move out of Venezuela, I'm running to be an Au Pair in any country of north America, or Europe, that's all I can think for now... Will see what the destiny has for me...
Do you have a crisis on yours mid twenties?


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