If you know me, you know that the Nutcracker is a BIG deal for me, my Christmas isn't Christmas without it. Today I went with My friends, and let me tell you that It was a little disappointed, I think the change the whole cast, and this cast wasn't perfect as I'm used to, it wasn't bad, it's just like it wasn't perfect. But I'm happy that I keep coming back and that I LOVE IT, next week I'm going with my family, I hope thet the cast do it better Sorry for the blurry Pictures Well after the Nutcracker we went to eat some lunch and them shopping, it was nice to hang out with them. We don't see us often but when we do we had a blast
Now that I live in a Country with season, I can appreciated the beauties of each one, except spring, For me spring was 2 weeks of real good weather, not cold or hot and a lot of allergies! so I don't counted it as a real season. Now that I had experience all the seasons I can say that each one has something that I love, but my Favorite is definitely is WINTER, we're in summer though and it's so HOT, and there's a lot of things that I love about summer, and how I lived in Venezuela and there is summer all year long I didn't appreciate a lot of things that now I just can do it just a few months a year, so like summer it's just 3 months I did a tiny bucket list that I really want to do this year. 1 Going to the beach... Probably in August I'll be going to Menorca and Barcelona 2 Rent a house for a weekend close by to the beach 3 Going to The Wanner's Brothers water park 3 Spend a whole day by the pool 4 Take Emma to an awesome park close by ...
Hi I'm from Venezuela, I have 22 year old and no kids yet. well I work as a nanny in Venezuela, but with an American family, well actually only the mother and children are American children's father is from Chile. in addition to study Early Childhood Education in college, I only had a year and a half I graduated. My life here, most people if not all, we got up at 5:30 am for work, or study, including children, schools start at 7 am and work at 8am and actually we stopped so early is because of the traffic that exists here.Univiersidad good after I go to my work, which is in the house of children, play with them until 5:30 pm and then go to my house, I get no traffic at 6:30 pm usually home from work after supper, dohomework, check my blogs, then I watch TV and sleep, this is my life day by day (boring I know).Venezuela now, right now the political life of Venezuela is unclear,the country is completely divided, half want the president we have and the other half wants him out (I...