V´s Birthday Party
My little Princess turned 3 in October 2, and I can´t believe that she is 3 now, and with a lot of attitude and funny, smart and sweet.
Let Me tell you something, I can´t say not to her... She has me in her hands I love that.
She is a little Spoiled girl because of me, but I can´t stop to do it, I just love her so much.
I love hold her, she is my baby, even if she say that she is a big girl... But I just love Carrying her
I never had been able to sing to her Happy Birthday, the first year I had to go early because I had a party that night, the second year I was in Spain, so this year no matter what, I promised my self that I was going to sing Happy birthday to her and I did.
for first time I went as a guest and not as a Nanny.
I really enjoyed spend that day with her, the bad thing was that she was moody, so she only wanted to be with her mommy and cousins, at the end of the party she was super tired and she don´t wanted anything... But she loved her party.
V Happy 3rd Birthday
Maylelin Love you so much