Pinterest Inspirations
(oh my this is very funny, I just notice the tittle of this post "pinterest transpiration" so funny, it´s reallly Pinterest inspirations)
well I think that everyone notes that all the baby shower´s inspiration was for Pinterest (thank good for all the creative people whom put their ideas on it)...
well I think that everyone notes that all the baby shower´s inspiration was for Pinterest (thank good for all the creative people whom put their ideas on it)...
Well this are the comparison of the things that I was inspired, and how their resulted.
First the center piece... I found this one and I really wanted to do it, but I didn´t had the time.
So, I made this one, I was the same idea, but more simple, I used paint is aerosol to paint the pot and buy scrapbook paper to do the figures

The diaper cake, I really liked this one, but that was before that I knew which one was the sex of the baby, so I really want to do one like that.
But for lack of money and time I ended doing this, but I really love it the way was turn out... so cute

The main table... This one was the firs photo that I repine in the board of "Baby shower" and it was the inspiration for the whole party.
and this is who turn out, I had to add the balloons on the top because the unions of all the Chinese lamps and pompom show up, so I had to cover that with balloons, But It was OK
I know that dosen´t was the same but I did the best that I could

the tree table, this one was something that I knew that I wanted to do
and this was the other thing that I know that I wanted to do in the party, a station of drinks but I didn´t for so many reason, But I keep the Idea of the Onessis

And this was the result

and I love it

and the Cake, this one was the cake that me sister wanted, before we didn´t know the sex of the baby so I told her if we do the sex reveal on the party with the cake, At first she said yes, but then when she find out that is going to have a girl, she can´t keep the secret, so she told to everyone, so the word on the cake don´t make any sense, but we keep with the idea and sended the picture to the baker, and she did a very well job.
this was the result... Everybody loved the cake
and that´s is who I planed the baby shower for My sister