New Friends

It's so hard to make new friend when you're in you late twenties. 
When I moved out here I knew that that it would be a problem for me, I'm an Introvert, that means that I like tO be alone, and crowds aren't my thing, so making friends in a new country where most people meet for the night life is hard for me, thankfully there is always someone that you can reach out and give you a hand, in this case was my friend's sister.

In Venezuela I always hang out with Marydalmis, she never said no to me when I asked her to hang out, and for a couples of time her Sister Lu will joying us and have a good time all together. Lu moved to Spain about 3 years ago but I thought she was living in Barcelona with her husband, and then on Winter I realize she was living here in Madrid, so I called her and we met, and since then we have been hanging out. 

Last Sunday they invited me to their house to eat Chili con Carne, and I loved it. the food was so good and the company too, that day I needed it to be with friends and have a good time just chatting about life, problems, and all the stuff that as peoples need to get out. 

My friends kind don't like to take pictures, he are some of the good meal that we had.

This is Lu on my Birthday!!


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