This week have not been the best for me, so I'm on Survival mode on... well actually I just did it today!!

What Survival mode on, means?
DO whatever the kids wants to do, pick your fights, they want to watch movies all day? so be it...

Ok, this week, or well this past 3 days, I really didn't felt well at all.

On Monday I had CRAMPS really bad, so I thought that I'll past the day with the kids doing nothing, but I manage to not think about the pain and just take hour by hour... At the end we just watched 1 movie, made 3 activities, and also we went to the park... not that bad, just a normal day.

Tuesday... I started feeling sick with the flu, my head and nose were a mess and also I thought about to do nothing for the day... But I felt guilty, so we only watched one movie, went to the park, the girl played alone, and we made 2 of the 3 activities that I bring for that day...

BUT today was SURVIVAL MODE ON.... When I feel sick, I don't talk at all, I just answer with monosyllables, or I talk really softly, and today I was talking like that, because my nose, head, and eyes was hurting me, and today was a survival day... the boy is sick too, so in the morning he slept 3 hours and I slept 2, but that didn't made me feel better, then the girl came from school, and I tried to do my best for her, so I tried to do one activity, and her homework, at the end we didn't finished neither... today she watched two movies and the she slept too, but I had to wake her up, because it was 5 pm and she go to bed at 7:30, but when I did it that girl cried and scream for 15 min strait... thanks god it was time for to go, so I told her mom and she said that I did it right to wake her up.

Right now I feeling much better, I hope tomorrow feel better too.

Graphic description of the day


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