Always with...

a Kid on my hip  or 

In my Back

Well today I was thinking, that for 6 years straight I always had a kid on my hip or my back... I they are no mine.., But I LOVE caring babies or kids, I really do, I'm so happy when I have a someone to carry!!

Well today Was a day low key, I didn't did much activities with the kids, because with the boy, I'm out of Ideas, and the girl, well she didn't wanted to do activities, so we played a lot... We played at the farm, at the restaurant, at the house, and well we made just one activity.

A thankful turkey... 

I'm tired of turkeys jajajaja... I want Christmas, but my little OCD don't let me do it... SO this will be my last week of thanksgiving activities... I think it was worth it, the girl now knows the meaning of thanksgiving, call the turkey as his name, before she said that it was a rooster... also she knows about pilgrims and Native Americans... so It worth it, but I'm tired of turkeys!! 

I'm sorry you can't see those precious faces, but I'm not feeling comfortable yet, to share theirs names or faces 


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