
Hello my friends!!! well I just want to talk about friendship!! for me is hard to make friends or good friends, really I don't trust so easy, also I'm very shy when I meet someone for first time, and I think that make me hard to do new friends...

I have ONE best friends, I don't believe that you can have more the one BEST 
FRIENDS, close friends? yes, you can have more the one but only ONE best friend.

When I was little my best friends were my cousins and I was closer to one of them more the other, she lived in another state, but when she come to Caracas we were inseparable, now we are not that much.

For 1º grade to 2º I wasn't had best friends, even friends, I was friend of one girl, her name was Kelly, and she was the only one who I talked to in class, but I spend my recess with my older sister and her friends... Then in 3º grade one little girl (Nieves) came new in our school and in my class and she became in my BEST FRIEND for the next 3 years, in 4º grade came another girl (Josenia) to my class and she also become to friend! she wasn't MY BEST FRIEND but we were very close... We ended Elementary School , and we lost contact, they were to a public School and as much I begged my mom to let me go to a Public School with my friends, she didn't let me, So I went to a Private School and all of us lost contact!!  

(Nieves Yellow Shirt and Josenia White)

My first year in middle School was awful, I was so depressed for not be with my friends, I fail in 4 course, I had not friends... second year 8ºgrade, it was better I found a best friend (Liliana) for 9 months hahaa then She left to the USA and never come back, (but thanks to facebook and Skype we keep in touch and I consider her a GOOD FRIEND) but that year I contacted my friends for Elementary School, we didn't see that year but I least we texted each other, and in the end of 8º grade i found my BEST FRIEND!!! it was funny we didn't liked each other at first, we started our friendship because one day, the two of us missed a class and we ended working together in a project because our teacher put us together... So with time we became BEST FRIENDS!! and She is Solegny!!! and now we have 9 years of friendship!!

When I was in 10º grade my Elementary School friends (Josenia y Nieves) we put in contact and we made a little reunion, Nieves had a kid when she has 17 years old, and Josenia and I meet with Nieves and her baby boy in Josenia's house, and it felt so good, we were the same, it was wonderful time, I didn't see Nieves Again, even though that she lives 2 blocks of me, but the fact that we are so different now, well is hard to make it work, but I miss her... With Josenia is different, we see each other a least 2 times at year!! I text with her a lot... Unbelievable that we have like 15 years of friendship!! 

Back in 2007

   In July of this year

Back to Solegny, We are so different, She is out going since the first time you know her, She speak her toughts out, she doesn't care what people think!! and I'm the opposite of that... I make her laugh, we always are laughing! in 9 years we never ever fight or stoped to talk, till last month!!

The time passed and she moved to another part of Caracas (before she lived crossing the street of my house) and now she lived like one hour away so is not easy see each other, also I worked and now she works A LOT but we never stoped to talking and text, but last month I was feeling like I was pushing our friendship to work, I felt like she doesn't wanted to be my friend anymore, when I texted to her, she answered me later, and I was always the first one to texted, So my last text for her was "tell me when you are unoccupied so I can call you", SHE NEVER REPLAY ME... It passed three weeks and a lot of things happened in those three weeks, I needed  her but she never text me or call me, So I was very sad and then MAD, I thought she really doesn't care about my friendship with her, and I was done.. but 1 month later she text me and she told me that She was sad that we don't talked anymore, and I said to her that I feel the same way, but that I felt that I was the one that wanted to save our friendship, well she told me that she Sorry... and then never text me again for two weeks!!! by that point

I was very disappointed... till last week when she text me that I pick one day of the week to see each other... and well the rest is history, I'm glad that I'm not resentful, she is my Best friend and Missed her a lot, I don't know if I forgive her to soon, but I don't care I just want my friend back, and I HOPE THIS NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!! 


Friendship is WORK, if you wanted to make it work, and have good friends and keep them you have to work!! So what do you think, I forgive her too soon? or I was making a big deal of nothing?

BTW: I do not count my older sister in this, SHE IS MY SISTER AND MY FRIEND!!! AND I LOVE HER A LOT!! When I don't talk to her one day I feel bad!! She is more than a Best friend!!! 


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