UPDATE of My kids

If you have a time reading my blog you know that "My kids" aren't really my kids, they are the kids that I use to babysit... Well it has passed 6 months since the last time that I saw them in person, six long-shorts months!!! I went to Spain in March and they went to the USA in April/May and they are not returning, at least for now, I cried a lot about this, said Good bye to them ALWAYS is hard, they are my kids, I love them with all my heart and miss them, but I'm glad that all of then are in the State where they belong, where to me, they (At least my boss) are more Happy and where the kids are safe....

I talk to them via Skype, in these 6 months I think we are been talking like 4 or 5 times, yesterday was the last one, 45 minutes talking to a boy of 6 and a girl of 3 haha quite a conversation, but I LOVE IT, make me feel so close to them, and  I love hear their voices, and laughs and just for a few minutes be in their lives...

With their mom, I talk with her like 3 times at week, I miss her too, we talk about everything but Mostly about what are they going to do... they still don't know if they are coming back or stay, live there is expensive and right now they don't have the recourse to do it, so she is looking for a job, so they be able to stay there... the time will tell what is going to happen... but for now some pics of them..


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