Sooo busyy

I don't how moms do this every day!! I'm not a mom, I have a lot of free time, or well I think I have more free time that most of the moms have, and I can't ( don't want??) to write a here!!

I had a busy day today!! I walked a lot, but I feel optimistic about everything.

 First... I present today my final work !!  isn't ready, but we have the most important things done, so we present today and it was great, it was easy and I felt confident doing it!! also I have the best friends and partners to do it!

But I have to do it two time more.... one in front of like 50 or 60 people and other in front of the most important teachers at my college!! little scary that!! but I know that everything is going to be ok.

 Second... I finally got over about the devaluation of the bolivar , there is nothing that I can't do... So today was my day to go of the exchange house and find out which are the requeriments to send money to Spain!!! It's not that hard, I just hope to be approve!

Today was a good day... BTW, My niece could born any day now, I do skype with my sister today and she has a big belly and she looks tired! and she is ready for the baby come out!! I'll keep you with the news


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