I've missed! - Siblings love

I Know I just dissapeared!! but I have a good excuse, I was in a hotel, lying in a pool, and working HA! sometimes I love my work...

I was traveling with my bosses and the kids to another state, they went to see a soccer game (Venezuela vs Chile), I did not go to the game because I had to stay with V, but I went to a mall with her and watch Madagascar 3, and I love it and she as well, the case is that I was away all the weekend, and the monday I stayed in home and did all the homework... I`m not finish but a least ahead a lot. In the trip, I Just take a few photos

Well Now my "Real post" Sometimes V and R are so sweets with each other, V always ask for R, and the same for R, also there times when they can't be in the same room, just fight and scream, but the last week R was in the mood to be nice with v, and at that time we had our story time, so V pick a book and R read to her.

Cinderella Story

"V Look, this is the bad guy"

"This is a interesting part"

"and the end"

"Time for play with my little sister"

"I`m Superman and she is a Princess"

"Time for hugs"

I Had a video were R read In Spanish and English! I will Try to post it 


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