My Really Crazy Sunday Morning!

Ok this is was a really Crazy Sunday Morning...

First to all, my Sundays mornings are very very lazy, I mean I woke up late, I watch a little tv and then I wait for my dad come to visit! But yesterday I decided to stay in work because my bosses had a party in the night and they don't wanna take the kids there because early in the next day they have a kid birthday party, so the kids were very tired... well the thing is that I stay in the night.

My Morning started a 5:30 am because the little girl wake up, so we went downstairs to play and drink "chicha", at 6 am I started make the breakfast and at the 6:30 am the boy wake up, and come downstairs too, he say that he want to eat pancakes, but I made "Bollitos" for V and I, I say to him that he have to wait a little bit, but when he see the "bollitos" he said that he want too, so we are the 3 of us sitting in the kitchen table eating our breakfast  when R (boy) said that he want orange juice, so I give to him the orange juice and for V (girl) to, when I turn over to put back the juice I hear that R had fallen of ALL the juice, so the sit next to him was all wet (thank good was a wood sit) so i decide continue eating and later clean that mess, well a finish eating and I was cleaned the dishes when V come to me and throw up, she no was sick, just gets stuck with the food. (she was okey after throw up, even ask me for more food)

This are the "Bollitos"

So at that point I have the floor in the kitchen table with orange juice, and next to the sink with vomit, NOT cool!!! and all the kitchen was a mess, so I put the TV on for the kids, meanwhile I was cleaning the kitchen.

Then when I almost fininsh to clean the kitchen I hear V saying "Mailyn (Maydelin my name) PUPU" at that moment I know that she had made pupu, (when I finish clean the kitchen I was going to change her diaper), so I said " I know V wait a minute" and I turned and saw her, she was with NOT diaper and all the butt with pupu, in that moment I just laughed because what else could I do??. V decided that she is old enough to change by herself the diapers... well the couch have a little of pupu, I cleaned V first and then the couch! I never finish clean the kitchen... 

by that time it was only the 8 am, so I decide leave the kitchen like that and see a Movie with R and V, we see The Polar Express!!

What a Morning right??


Rut said…
emmm, did they always get up that early???
Maydelin said…
Hi, No always that early, but she woke up normally like at 6:30 am!!! I woke up everyday to go for collage at 5:30 am. so is normal for my woke up early, is normal but no easy!!

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