The worse and the better day

Hi Guys this the last 3 day has been rough for me, I'm sick, I'm dealing with 4 different kids, and doing 3 jobs, so this week I've been so tired, and being sick AGAIN doesn't help, I just feel this month I've been so stressed out and my body is telling to relax.

So the worse day of the week was Thursday, In the morning I was with the baby, and the morning was just fine, he was still having problems to sleep but nothing major, and he ate, so I was confident that the day was going to be just fine, till 1pm, yet again he just wanted for me to hold him, at least this time he let me sit with him in my arms, I was like that for 2 hour till his mommy got home.

Then It was time for me teach English to a 9 and 11 years old girls, both were awful, the didn't behave and I was tired and starting to get very sick, so I got a headache, my nose started to run, and I WAS tired, to end my awesome day I had to take care of a 4 years old that we don't get along, but I'm just with him about 20 minutes and then it's time for him to go to bed, but those 20 minutes are LONG, it's the first time that I don't get along with a four years old, that day he was so grumpy, I was grumpy and tired so it didn't go well,  so by the end of the day I was DONE, I got a headache, (I still have it) and I just wanted to sleep.

But Friday was another day, I was still tired but hopeful for the day, finally I woke up, drank my coffee and I went to work with a positive actitud for the day, I was definitely SICK, but with hope for a better day, worse than Thursday couldn't be, and I got to work, and did the same routine that I did when the mom was in home, and I think that worked, he finally slept 1 hour straight , and he finally drank from the bottle, I just had to fight with him a little bit, but he finally did it, then he when back to sleep for another 45 minutes YUJUUU!! and then I have to fix the house but just wanted to be held, so I used for the very first time the ergo-baby wrap, and it worked so I could clean the house wearing him, then he was getting fuzzy again and I figure he was hungry, so I give him the bottle and he drank of it without any problem, and he falls asleep again, for another 40 minutes, so YES it was a better day, I'm still very sick thought.

Can you tell my Fake Smile? I was feeling so sick, and tired, my whole body was hurting!

Then It was time for me to go to the school where I teach English, and it wasn't my best class, but I did have kind of fun!! the key word KIND OF haha

At night time I felt all the pressure of the week, I could't find a comfortable position for me to sleep, my bone was hurting so bad, my head was about to exploit, but I finally fall sleep, and I'm just hoping for a better week!! 


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