The worse and the better day

Hi Guys this the last 3 day has been rough for me, I'm sick, I'm dealing with 4 different kids, and doing 3 jobs, so this week I've been so tired, and being sick AGAIN doesn't help, I just feel this month I've been so stressed out and my body is telling to relax. So the worse day of the week was Thursday, In the morning I was with the baby, and the morning was just fine, he was still having problems to sleep but nothing major, and he ate, so I was confident that the day was going to be just fine, till 1pm, yet again he just wanted for me to hold him, at least this time he let me sit with him in my arms, I was like that for 2 hour till his mommy got home. Then It was time for me teach English to a 9 and 11 years old girls, both were awful, the didn't behave and I was tired and starting to get very sick, so I got a headache, my nose started to run, and I WAS tired, to end my awesome day I had to take care of a 4 years old that we don't get ...