Summer is fading away

How do I know?? Because it's 7:30 am and the sun hasn't rise yet, and by 9 pm it's already dark outside, but the high temperatures will continue at least one more month, I don't known if feel happy or sad about it. 

With the summer fading away, and a new season starting,  I'm facing a big decision in my life here in Spain ( don't worry I'm not going anywhere) it's something that I REALLY want to do, but I'm so scare to do it, and I have take on considerations so many aspects on it,  and it will affect other people than me as well, the thing is that I have to make de decition RIGHT NOW and my head is spinning around it and I can't stop thinking about it and how it will affect me and the people around me.

Going back to the summer subject, I did really had a wonderful summer, better than I expected, I'm happy to be back home and being the routine, also I'm excited for the new seasons to come and what it could come with that. 

For now I will enjoy the rest of the summer at the pool. 


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