survival mode

Hi guys! let me tell you that right now I'm very tired!!! and I`m not going to have a free day till next Sunday.. #pleasehelp but well, yesterday I was more than tired, I was exhausted because Tuesday I worked all day and then stayed to sleep there, and the mosquito didn't let me sleep the whole night, and then I went back to work, restless... so yesterday I was in survival mode, I thought.

For me survival mode is let the kids watch TV or do what ever they want, and fortunately for me baby B LOVES to watch TV, BUT I have a big problem!! a baby watching too much TV itch me, so I don't let them watch to much TV, apparently it does not matter how tired I am

Yesterday I was very very TIRED, and baby B was doing so good, but I just wanted to relax, so I turned the TV on, I was going to let her watch TV for about 15 minutes not more, BUT 5 minutes later I turned off and pull out the play dough haha.

and 5 minutes later 

I think she had more fun with this than with TV


Laura Darling said…
LOL too funny! Looks like it was a fun time!

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