My Activities for my babies

Hi guys!

For me when I think in babies and activities for them, well I get overwhelm, I don't know what to do with them, but then when I had them it's just easy to do little things.

As a Babysitter and teacher I know what could work for any age but also I have to see in what is the babies interesting and what he need to develop and when I know that I go ahead and plan my activities... I don't plan activities for EVERY SINGLE hour, because being real most babies just spent about 5 minutes doing one single thing, but I plan ONE big activity for the week, and we do that activity every day, it could be a "new toy", a new song, a new book, etc,  for babies it's one thing a week.

So remember how 1 month ago baby B wasn't fan of painting? well now it's all painting, she don't last one hour doing it, no even 20 minutes, but now she begs for paint

She LOVES body painting hahaha

and Baby A she's going to start crawl very soon, so we're practice and her "new toy" it's a little piano that my litter sister had, and as you can see she's loving it

next week I would let the piano out, but the week after next one I'm going to put away for a week and present her a "new toy" and then I pull out the piano again... so she doesn't get bore with the same toy all the time


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