Chit´-Chat and parenting/ How to get them back to the routine

"Oh my, Christmas Break is over!!! what do I do??" most mommies and daddies are thinking this right now, for one side they're super sad that the kids have to come back to school...mmm to who are we kidding, most parents are excited that Christmas is over, and the routine is back! YEIII for the routines!

As a Teacher, and Nanny I KNOW that the first day of school after Christmas Break is the worse, for teachers, for parents and for Kids, Believe me after Christmas is when the teacher starts the REAL work, because most kids forget what they learned previous months, for us is like THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL all over again, Kids are crying, parents are crying as well, or needed, or happy, or angry, or stressed, so is all over again!

What you can do to do a better First day of school much easy?

1 talk with your children about school starting again, at least 3 days before, talk about the routines at school, about seeing friends, about how fun is going to school, etc.

2 Do the night time routine at least 3 nights before the big day, and wake them up early every day a little bit early before the bid day, I mean if they on Christmas Break woke up at 10 am, the third morning before School wake them up at 9 am. then the second morning at 8 and the morning before at 7 am, that's gonna make your School morning at lot more easy.

3 Go through school books days before school starts, do some little homework, and talk about what the learned at school before.

4 YOU be prepared, mentally about that day, do list about what you need to do, uniforms, school Clothes, backpacks, lunch boxes, HOMEWORK, a glass of wine?? hahaha

5 and be happy because School is back!!!


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