Chit-Chat and Parenting, Making the Holidays Specials

Hi guys, I’m back with my Chit Chat and Parenting, I know, I know, Sorry, my life went so crazy.
So thinking about my first post in this chit chat and parenting I wanted to come back in how to make Christmas Special, not only for the kids, for the grown-up too.

Well this year I don’t know what is happening (at least in Venezuela) but everybody is so excited about Christmas, I mean previous years people were worried about the government, because there’s was always elections on December, and well I guess people weren't excited about Christmas, but this year we don’t have any elections and people (even my mom, who “hates” Christmas or well the Holidays, is excited) and almost everyone is setting up the Christmas decorations in November, thought my moto always was doing it December 1º, but I wanted it set it up early as everyone else.

The first thing that make my think on Christmas is the Music. Music took me to another places, when I was little, to my most memorable Christmas, it remain me my family, my cousins, the waiting of “El niño Jesus” (baby Jesus is our Santa), so Music is very important for me when I think on Christmas. So maybe might sound weird but pick a cd and put it on always in every Christmas.

The second thing is decorated the house as a family, for the last couple years I had be doing It with Marian, My mom didn’t care that much, but this year we all participated, and when we were little ALL of us helped my mom setting up the Christmas tree and decorations, and also is kind of traditions going into my Grandma and Aunt’s houses to see the Nativity and the Christmas Tree. Also setting up the Christmas decorations is not fun if we don't have ours drinks and Christmas music.

Third, the food, the making of , we have a representative meal for Christmas and it’s almost a ritual making it as well, the smell of it it’s so amazing, I grew smelling it every Christmas, so for me and most Venezuelan is very important to do it. so if you don't have a dish that makes you think on Christmas EVERY year, start this year, find a new recipe and just do it on Christmas

So for me making Christmas Special is trying to find the spirit of it, try to find things that’s make you happy, find new traditions, make some food for your family that you only do on the holidays, if you don’t have kids, try to find someone to spent the holidays, it doesn’t matter it if not your family, a friend will do, When we grow up we lose the joy on celebrating this wonderful holiday, and it’s our job to bring it back, this time of the year and full with magic, and joy that it’s a waist to spent it miserable or alone.

Make the most of this season, find the beauty of the season, find love and I hope you have a WONDERFUL AND MAGICAL Holidays!! 


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