O know I know, I neglected this poor blog one more time

But, I'm going to catch up right now!!

You know when my life is busy, or when I feel loose, I neglect the blog! and this time I think it happened because I'm busy and a little stress out! But I'm fine


I'm giving English classes, besides baby J, is for a guy that doesn't know anything about english, is very basic, but it's fun and I like it!!

I think I'm starting to work as a Nanny again for a few months near here and just for a couples of hours.

I'm done with Elizabeth (not totally) But I'm no worrying so much about her.

I'm a little stress out because I'm doing like 4 jobs and 2 of them I haven't receiving any pay, but I hope to receive in the future.

I miss my dod!! My poor Benlly, I love her!

I'm gonna be an Aunt Again!!! Not, my sister is not pregnant, is my cousin!

I'm for now I'm staying in Venezuela. I'm in "peace" with this!


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