With a Plan I feel...

Hi guys, sorry for the sad or crappy post, but you know life is not always rainbow and smiles , and I just wanted to keep it real.

Today I feel 100% better, I talked to my dad, and it wasn't the talk that made me feel better, it was the realization that I didn't have a plan, or something to do, or way to solve my problems, and I now I have it.

I know I have a lot of more tears and struggles to come, but "One day at the time", for now I know what I have to do, and I'll starting tomorrow to do it.

I was waiting for something/someone that with a Magic wand solve all this mess, but It has to be me, and my closest people!!

I'm working hard to get what I want, and I guess that when I finally have it, I will appreciate more than other people.

I know that people has bigger problems or hard life than I am, but I know that there's a lot of other people that has a better and easy life than I have, someday I will explain to you all my struggle with the money!! in another post, in another time.

Yesterday I started to read Hush Hush, and I love it!!! I've read about 80 pages, It has been a long time since a really liked a book!!!

I hope to be back with Chit chat and Parenting next week!!


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